Knowing you want an apron farm sink and knowing which one you want are two completely different things. For the longest time we were thinking a copper hammered farm sink would be just the thing for the reinvention of our kitchen. We are keeping the original upper cabinets and painting them a warm white with the back of them painted buttery yellow and changing the chipped glass in the doors for seeded glass. The backsplash is planned for white subway tile. The countertops - black granite with an ogee edge. New stainless appliances (adding a dishwasher is a MUST) are in order. We're using an island we developed from a 1940's birdseye maple breakfront. It's a great place to hide the microwave and small wine fridge, they didn't have either in 1928, can you imagine.
So recently, we began to think the copper sink would stand out from the rest of the plan a little too much. We do have some copper pots and pans but that's it . So when we went to the new Round Rock Ikea a couple of weekends ago to find some organization products for the home office, we were surprised to find this enameled white farm sink. It seems very classic and has an interesting detail of a ridged drain board across the back. And at $299 its just a fraction of what comparable sinks would be.

Timeless and classic but is this choice too safe?
Option #2:
The Country Living Feb. 2008 issue features this year's Idea House of the year. The kitchen has this amazing nickel hammered sink by Native Trails.

I love it! It combines the look of the hammered copper one which we love but won't clash with the stainless appliances. But I am concerned about it being dated. Do you think this look will be OVER in 10 years... 5 years?
So while we're trying to decide can you give me your opinion.
White enamel apron farm sink or the hammered nickel choice?
Thanks in advance for helping out ;-) !
Ah, yes. I was here earlier and did not think I had much of value to offer. I think they are both good choices, truly. Part of the equation is the big picture. I'm just getting ready to have a conversation with a client who wants expensive sisal (why?) I'd honestly rather see him go with a less expensive rug and put the money in a great desk. So, what's the trade off? If the nickel makes your heart sing (and why wouldn't it?) then go. But if you like the white, and the price enables you to pick the perfect table, well, then...But, bottom line, both great choices. You can't go wrong.
I'd go with the hammered nickel - against your black granite countertop choice it will be stunning. How did the floors come out? It's fun to follow your blog and hear about your choices, what you're considering, etc.
Mrs.B- Valid statements. I think looking at the big picture is the best way to consider things especially with the number of things we will be needing in the next few months. Thanks for graciously responding.
NottingHill- I agree, but I'm a little worried I might not think so a few years down the road. I'm not usually fickle-what I like,I always like.
I am glad your enjoying the blog!
Toss a coin.
Both are great choices.
How could you go wrong.
The white is clean and very practical at the price!
E-Z to clean!
White sinks will never, ever go out of style. We had a white farm sink at my first house in Wales in a contemporary kitchen. The sink was nearly original to the victorian era terraced house. i worry about all of that brushed nickel, bronze, etc. looking a but dirty.
Hammered Nickel. I would be afraid of the enamelled chipping over time! Good luck on whatever you choose.
I think the white enamel is more timeless, even though it seems a bit 'safe'. BTW, now I've read your previous post, I'm experiencing library ladder envy:)
White...more stylish, less trendy.
LCL's BF Here........I have spoken..(ha,ha,)..It shall be the White enamel farm sink from IKEA!! I knew it the second I saw it. The nickel would go great with my eemeco aluminum institutional furniture I picked up when I was institutionalized. It is now relegated to the storage shed along with all things manly and in bad taste. Seriously, the white enamel farm sink!!!
I have a friend that has a copper sink... it's fantastic! I might go with the nickel b/c I love white cabinets though. I dont think you could go wrong.
I love the shape of those sinks. I wish I had gotten one when I had the chance. I really do love that zinc one-very unusual, I think.
PVE-good point about the cleaning, I hadn't thought of that
PigtownDesign-I agree about the white, it may look like it was always here.
Patrica- I love the nickel,too. Thanks for the wishes.
Beth-You had better ladder pictures:)
Kyle- My point exactly
Honey- I KNOW you like the WHITE one. Dually noted.
Its so hard to say what will look dated.
I'd say that the nickel sink is never going to be hugely popular (like the ceramic one) so it will always be something different and fun in your kitchen.
The white sink has been around a long time so its a lot less of a focal point.
So either way - you have two great options. It sound to me like you prefer the nickel so I'd go with that one.
Sometimes a dated look can be a good thing. I think retro looks are coming back.
I'm currently doing up my kitchen and really wanted to go for a Butler style sink but the one on the ikea website is hard to tell what it looks like in a real kitchen. Thank you for sharing this picture on your blog as really helps me to decide what i want in my kitchen. What did you go for in the end?
Hi, truly it was a nice blog written about kitchen sink. Great blog with perfect snaps of kitchen interior to help users to see what is the best in sink.
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Nice one; Keep posting more like it.
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