Friday, February 1, 2008

Beam me up, Scotty!

Great hall, Eltham Palace, Southest London,via Whipper_Snapper@ Flickr

Eltham Palace, Southeast London as above @Flickr

Two weeks and counting until the living room ceiling comes down. We will be dropping the ceiling to reveal the beams and the peak of the roof line. Hopefully it will end up looking something like this.

Skwishy via Flickr

Designer Victoria Hagan via Ferret & Hound

We're going to seal off the living room, kitchen, and den from the rest of the house. Put everything in them into storage and go to it.

SLC Interiors via Ferret & Hound

House Beautiful, designer Fern Santini

House Beautiful, designer Marshal Watson

I can't wait!


  1. How wonderful!! I can't wait to see how your house will look like!

    I wish I had some beams to expose as well - it's such a wonderful look!

  2. Thanks Claudia, I enjoyed finding your blog today!

  3. bring it on, look forward to the aftermath of beams!

  4. I just discovered your blog. I also live in a tudor(1934) and dream of living in London one day. I can't wait to see pictures of your house.

  5. Oh, best of luck. It's so exciting. Please share plenty of photos.

  6. I can't wait either!!!! I hope you have beautiful beams.

    Thanks for your sweet comments!!!


  7. ooooh wow how exciting for you!!! I can't wait to see the result !!! I'll be back.....

  8. Wow, you are taking on an amazing project. Can't wait to see the results.

  9. I wish I could be beamed into this beautiful home and be able to see it's beauty in real life.
