Friday, January 18, 2008

D) All of the above

London Calling is ....
a) a 1979 double album by The Clash b) love of all things british c) diary of design, inspirations, and the woe and wonder of completely renovating and decorating a 1920's tudor-esque bungalow d) all of the above

London Calling is all of the above for certain. Welcome! and I hope any who visit enjoy some of my musings and amusements as we tackle renovating the "beloved bungalow" from literally top to bottom. All the while, blending two people's decor and collections into one home to be proud of.


  1. I also have an old home in need of MUCH renovation (it's a 1929 brick Tudor in Seattle).

    I am going to keep checking in on your blog to see your progress and get some inspiration!

  2. Decorno, Please do! Thanks for stopping by. Bye the way I love your blog. "Magnificant" had me all choked up.

  3. ditto -
    now carry on and bloody renovate and keep us in the loop! good beginnings make happy ever afters...

  4. Thanks PVE! Happy ever after sounds like a goal to me!

  5. Ahhh a fellow anglophile! Great blog!! :-)
