Thursday, July 10, 2008

The One that got away.

I totally dropped the ball on this one. Missed out on this one of a kind stunner from my favorite ebay vintage fixture importer/vendor! The awesome empire chandelier would have been so perfect over the dining table- you have no idea. In the immortal words of Winnie the Pooh, "Oh, Bother."


The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

We admire all of those lovely ebay finds you see.....that chandelier was pretty cool! We are still looking, and looking for just "the perfect thing" for my dining room. Sometimes I don't think it will ever come!!
Have a great week!
Karla & Karrie too

pve design said...

Keep on thinking that there is one even better out there!

katiedid said...

You will find another! Keep the faith. But I do see what you mean. Gorgeous!

cotedetexas said...

this was on ebay - ???? it is stunning. what did it go for?

London Calling said...

Pve- my thoughts exactly!

Summer Kitchen- Thank you please have a good week too!

katie- thanks, glad you liked it also.

Cote- $736 with 45 dollars shipping. I agree "ebay?"-who knew.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Oh, I've been there! But keep looking, it's true that you will find another! I've gotten lots of special fixtures from ebay!

Lisa & Alfie said...

Ouch, I feel your pain. It's gorgeous. And good eye.
Lisa & Alfie

Villa Anna said...

Awww man I hate it when that happens!! I can imagine how disappointed you must be feeling it's a stunning chandelier.

Nvm something better will come along.

Anna :)

la la Lovely said...

Oh that is beautiful but I know you will find one that you love! And that Winnie the Pooh, he is pretty wise!

Marilyn said...

Oh, it's words. I loved trolling Ebay for all our old fixtures, and I miss having the need for one! Good things there's always more incredible treasures around the bend, eh?

Liz Harrell said...

Dont you just hate that? I dropped the ball on a couple of old metal gates last week ($15 each).I'm still hurting.

Kwana said...

I'm sorry. Just put it out of your mind. Make up some awful story about how it had some terrible flaw and would not have been right for you. What ever it takes to get you to sleep soundly. I'll start for you: "Ugh! It really was just dreadful. Did you see that crack in the back?" Smile.

C+SK said...

I know nothing will stop you from thinking that but I am sure there is an even more fabulous chandelier waiting to be found by you!!!!

Fifi Flowers said...

That has such wonderful CHARACTER as in Winnie the Pooh!

beth said...

You were very restrained and refined to limit your comment to 'Oh Bother' :)

Denise said...

Very French chandelier.......sorry for the "one- that-got-away"..........hmmmmmm, maybe.
I know of two spots in my area that just might have one or can be on the look out for you:

Al Bar Wilmette Platers

The Bellow Shoppe (

Good luck-!!

Ann said...

So sorry you didn't get it, it is quite an eye-catcher. But there must be one out there waiting just for you and perfect for your home. Remember, if its meant to be, it will be. Happy hunting for the perfect one:)

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Ooooohhhhhhhhh. Reclaimed Home (dot com) gets some good lighting fixtures in her blog's store (I recently bought one :-)